Exactly 40 years ago today was the beginning of Chapter 2, page 6 in my first book. It was the day 18-year old William Collier (my future husband) could have died. But GOD…

William survived the assault and had a life-saving craniotomy (brain surgery) the next day to remove an epidural hematoma (blood clot) that was 5 cm thick and 10 cm diameter. Picture that, y’all… It was huge! Life cannot exist if something that large is squishing your brain. Left untreated, death occurs. But GOD…
As Chapter 2 goes, my brother asked if we had heard about “that Collier boy who was hit upside the head” and was in the hospital. (No, I had not heard.) Then my mom crushed me with her first reaction, “I sure hope that boy don’t die.” The rest of the evening is pretty much a blur to me. For the first time in my 18-year old life, I experienced the devastating pain and agony of my heart shattering into pieces too small to ever put back together. But GOD…
This is only the beginning of our story. I walked across the stage on May 20, 1983 to receive my high school diploma. William was still lying in neuro-trauma ICU that same day, but he was doing much better and able to transfer to the regular neurosurgical floor. His life had been saved, and he was recovering with NO neurological deficits. He was discharged home on May 29, 1983, and his only medication was to prevent seizures. What started out as what should have been a celebratory week for a high school senior turned into something so catastrophic that it still gives me a headache when I think about it. (Yes, I have a headache now as I’m posting this, but I felt the need to reflect on this moment and testify about what happened 40 years ago.)
But GOD is so good, so faithful, so full of grace and mercy! William and I will celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary in August. We have been blessed beyond measure with a life full of love, 2 fabulously wonderful baby boys (now 24 and 28) who are extensions of our hearts, and a beautiful daughter-in-love who is the perfect addition to our family.
Our 40-year class reunion is Saturday (May 20, 2023) exactly 40 years to the date from when I walked across the stage while the absolute love of my life was lying in neuro-trauma ICU. Our class reunion is much more profound for me than the rest of my classmates. My life would have been catapulted into a totally different trajectory had God not saved William’s life that day.
QUESTION: Why do I write about this experience over and over again?
ANSWER: It’s my testimony. William doesn’t like talking about it, so I share this story on his behalf. We are overcomers by the words of our testimonies. (Revelation 12:11)
MORAL OF THE STORY: I hope others will hear this testimony and be encouraged to know what God did for us, he can do for you. Nothing is too hard for God. He is never too late to meet you at your point of need. He extends unmerited grace and mercy when we need it the most. After all, we all live inside testimonies meant to be shared to help encourage others.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Do you have a testimony you’d like to share to encourage others? Please leave it in the comment section.